June 23 – Ancona update/Sea days

This is it!! The day we have been so desperately needing!! Day at Sea!!! We are so incredibly blessed to have this opportunity to finally enjoy this long awaited cruise, and at the same time a day of complete rest.

First I’ld like to catch you up on the events following the cancellation of the Ancona port. Upon arrival to our ship I took a photo of the letter provided by the ship regarding the reason for cancellation. Elena contacted the port authorities in Ancona and was informed and provided a screen shot of the manifest that both Azamara Pursuit and the MAC Lirica were due to dock on the 21st. Next the Azamara Pursuit was given the information that the time in dock would be shortened and all the shore excursions planned would not make the new sailing time. Next, Elena learned that even though they had two years notice, the Ancona port did not get it together to prepare the pier for our docking. Elena was so upset she contacted the journalist for the on-line newspaper in Ancona who first published an article regarding our docking a couple of months ago. The journalist called her back, took all of the relevant information and requested permission to write the story. The day we were to have docked in Ancona the newspaper printed the story! Of course it is all in Italian. The synopsis is that because of problems at the dock the slip was not finished in time and they cannot dock two cruise ships at the same time. They mentioned Elena as being a “Marchingiana from Ancona” Translated to “very feisty”. Elena has been described as easygoing and diplomatic, but if she gets mad- watch out- Mt Etna Erupting!!!

I was able to forward the article to the Italian “Documents Officer” Amira, who then forwarded to the appropriate Azamara staff. That evening I had the opportunity to “Have a little chat” with our Master-Captain Antonio Toledo. Although of Spanish background, he had read the article in Italian. He stated that he was very sorry and sends his condolences to Elena. He also stated that after reading the article he was relieved to hear that we would be meeting in Rome! So, if this isn’t “stirring the pot” I don’t know what it is!

This is a screen shot of the “google translate” of the article about Azamara not docking in Ancona.
This is the article that mentions Elena being a “Marchigiana”

We have been working diligently with Tom’s Mom during the past few months. Her health has been failing since Thanksgiving. We are so incredibly grateful that Joseph hosted Thanksgiving as that may be the last holiday we have with her.

The mimosa bar at the beautiful brunch Azamara provided today!

2 thoughts on “June 23 – Ancona update/Sea days

  1. rhardenburger

    Gosh, Suann.  That’s a lot of adventure for one cruise!  I can just imagine the disappointment (and outrage) over the port snafu.  So many travelers left without the promised experience.  It’s easy to understand why your friend Elena got good and mad.  

    Otherwise, it looks like you are having a lovely cruise.  I wish you safe travels and bon voyage!


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