Monthly Archives: June 2017

June 3rd, Copenhagen story, and sea turtles!

I never would’ve thought that I have with have a story for you about Copenhagen from Hawaii. But God bless my father and Lolly. They arrived in Copenhagen the day before we arrived in Kona. They are traveling on a Baltic cruise on Holland America, and plan on taking a tour into Moscow. Unfortunately in Copenhagen Lolly lost her iPhone. It was so cool to FaceTime my father from Kona. To talk about the app called find my iPhone. We were able to log into Lolly’s account, to attempt to find her iPhone. Unfortunately, she listen to us before she left and turned on her airplane mode so that she would not incur any roaming charges. Unfortunately, that turned off her GPS tracker, and we were unable to find her iPhone. But how cool was that to be able to use the app one from one side of the world it to the other!

Today, we returned to the beach near our timeshare. For another morning of snorkeling . We also got swim with schools of yellow tang and a sea turtle. Tom was able to underwater photos with his phone!!

This afternoon we traveled to a national park that we heard about from a new friend that we met. We took a walk in the park on the beach, and were able to see the sea turtles on the shore. It was a gorgeous beach!

June 2nd, Two Step and lost toe ring.  

Two-Step beach gets its name from this short hop; there are two ledges that serve as steps down into the ocean. Some of the finest, protected snorkeling in the all of Hawaii is located only a short dive south from Our timeshare in Kona. Two Step Beach is located just north of Pu’u Honua O Honaunau National Historic Park also known as the City of Refuge, and a perfect spot to explore the crystal clear waters of Kona’s coast. Today we woke up early and drove to twostep for our morning snorkeling. The water was clear and beautiful. The sun we peeking through the clouds allowing for glimpses of the beautiful coral. Well last time we came to this beach, there were plenty of dolphins. Unfortunately this time we did not see any dolphins. However if it was a plethora of beautiful tropical fish.

Most unfortunately, yesterday when we were snorkeling at the  beach near our timeshare, when I pulled off my snorkel flipper my toe ring came off. Coincidentally, this is the very spot where I purchased the toe ring six years ago. Today after snorkeling, we returned to town to the very same store where I purchased my first toe ring. Extremely happy with my replacement ring, we went to one of our favorite happy hour spots. Huggo’s on the beach. There we sat with her toes in the sand had our cocktails and watch the sun go down.  And for all of those worried about my trigger fist bite, it is healing quite nicely!