Monthly Archives: November 2016

Nov. 29, 2016

We woke up this morning after another rain filled night to find a hawk outside our door perched on the rain gauge.

Today we went on a tour to learn about the fascinating history of cocoa beans to learn how chocolate is made. On our way to the Cacao plantation, our driver abruptly stopped the van and told us all to get out. We looked up in the trees and saw a flock of Toucan birds! They were so beautiful with bright yellow beaks. We got some amazing pictures. 

At the plantation we learned all about chocolate making, we harvested the fruit, dry it and ground the beans. We learned about the process of making a centuries-old chocolate based beverage, and then tried high-quality chocolate flavored with different spices such as hibiscus, Cardamom, ginger and cloves. We also enjoyed flavored spoonfuls of warm rich thick chocolate also flavored to our liking. We learned how to purchase chocolate and enjoyed walking in the coco grove. One very fun thing that happened was that our driver Floyd, found a poisonous red eyed frog in the leaves of the coca plants. He was able to get the frog and we were able to take some amazing pictures. This was so exciting for me.

 Next we went to La Fortuna Waterfall Reserve. We Hiked down over 700 steps down into the lush forest and arrived at a spectacular 70 meter high waterfall. I have to admit my legs were shaking from all the stairs. My hand hurt from where I got bit by a fire ant and hiking in your bathing suit was is not really fun especially when it is raining. However, when we got to the bottom the river was cool and felt great! We were the only crazy Americans in the water- but we made it all the way to Costa Rica we just had to!! Climbing back up the 700 stairs was not fun- but we did it and did not die!!! We Spoted some amazing local birds like Oropendolas and Toucans and enjoyed the rich greenery and wildlife that surrounds us during the hike. Our guide Floyd stayed with us the entire time to ensure our safety and marvel at us In the river!!

We had such a fun time with our guide that we asked him what he had planned the rest of the day. He and our driver Lozano were willing to show us a bit of the town. We visited a liquor store for some shopping and learned about the different alcohols of Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Panama. Next we visited the pharmacy where you can get: shots, antibiotics and many other medicine that is not available over the counter in the US.

 Finally we enjoyed an awesome lunch at a local outdoor restaurant. We had Floyd pick out somewhere he and Lozano would like to visit. How fun was it to dine with a local who informed us about his life in Cost Rica and explain about the local cuisine. I had a special seafood rice dish with the traditional smashed fried plantains. Tom had a mixed grill of meats and French fries. We tasted all the pickled peppers and vegetables. We also found one sauce they call “Vegetable sauce” it is green spicy and quite tasty!! Finally we enjoyed some Costa Rican coffee. Our waitress ground the beans at the table, put them a cheesecloth “sleeve” and poured hot water over the grounds which dripped in the coffee pot. It was quite a show- and surprisingly a very mild coffee. 

Here we were; sore, tired, wet, (my hand hurting) in our bathing-suits sitting on the side of the road (so to say) in Costa Rica- happy and enjoying life!!

Floyd and Lozano were so happy with their free lunch!! They drove us back to our hotel where we immediately jumped in the natural hot spring pools to relax our sore muscles! In the course of 45 minutes in the water; it was cool, pouring down rain, sunny, hot, cloudy, pouring down rain again. 


Nov. 28, 2016

Arenal Hanging Bridges Tour & Ecotermales (Aventuras Arenal),
Today we went on a guided hike through the rainforest. We got up close with the native flora and fauna. This area is set in a 620 acres reserve of primary forest. The 2.5 mile hiking trail had

16 state-of-the-art hanging bridges The forest is home to many animals and birds we could hear the howler monkeys, we met several different poisonous snakes, first a small 6inch green eyelash viper snake, the a larger brown eyelash viper snake, tarantulas and many species of birds. We saw many kinds of ants, along with too many ferns to even begin to count, also many orchards, palms.

Next we went to the nearby Ecotermales thermal hot springs, famous for their therapeutic benefits and well known for helping to relieve stress and tension in both the body and mind whilst detoxing the skin. We really enjoyed the many hot pools after the hike in the rainforest!The hot pools were a unique and authentic experience in a tranquil setting.  

Nov 26, 2016 Costa Rica

We did it!! We’ve been up for over 37 hours and we arrived safe and sound! What a travel day! We took an Uber to SFO and flew to Atlanta Georgia. We met our friends Sara and Bruce during our 3.5hr lay over, then flew to San Jose Costa Rica. How many times have I accidentally clicked on San Jose Costa instead of San Jose CA when booking flights! Now we are actua here! After arriving at the airport we went through customs and immigration (oh my!) , then boarded a van for a 3.5 hr crazy ride through the center of the country and the rainforest to arrive at our resort.  
The Arenal Springs Resort is located just outside of La Fortuna town in the province of Alajuela. Our drive was like driving the Santa Cruz mountains before the put the divider in. Driving in Costa Rica in nothing like the states- we have stop signs, and lines down the center of the road and those pesky RULES!! Costa Rica does not! Passing on a small two lane road and questionable bridges made our ride interesting. Not to mention the scenery: Taro , yucca root, plantains, coconut, pineapple, coffee, chickens, roosters,horses, Sugar cane, tropical fruit, rain forest and tons of Brahma cattle on side of road!!!

Our resort has a beautiful view of the volcano (so they say), and mineral pools. Today we just figured out how to make the lights and the fan work in our room. We enjoyed a fabulous seafood soup for dinner and are utterly exhausted. Now that I sit down to write this it is pouring down rain. Our open bathroom has one rock wall in the shower with plants, when it rains the water from outside flows down the rock wall in the bathroom. Unlike any bathroom I’ve ever experienced!! Fascinating!! 

Now a little about the volcano-

Arenal Volcano, 1968

1968 saw the largest recorded eruption in Arenal’s history. After nearly 400 years of inactivity, the Arenal Volcano burst open and buried over 5 mi² (15 km²) in rocks, lava and ash.

Formed some 7,000 years ago from the adjacent (and now extinct) Chato Volcano, Arenal’s most recent eruptive period began in 1968 with an explosion that buried three small villages and left 87 people dead. Up until July 2010, the eruptions had been constant, though much less severe—there were effusions of smoke and lava on an almost daily basis.

Since 2010, however, the volcano’s seismicity, explosions and lava flows have decreased significantly. It is, scientists assure us, still alive; it’s just sleeping. 

Pictures tomorrow!!!!

Mob 27,2016

Hurricane Otto hit the southern portion of Costa Rica day before we arrived. Today we met a couple where delayed in LA for two days because of the hurricane.  
I failed to mention in yesterday’s post that portions of the ride from the airport to our hotel reminded us of the Road to Hana in Hawaii. Most of the road was paved, yet portions were quite rough and extremely bumpy! 

 Last night thunder, lightning and rainstorm woke us up several times! Especially when the rain was flowing down the Rock wall in the bathroom! We are truly in the rainforest at the base of a volcano!!

Today we woke up bright and early, it is quite Rainey and we have not had a chance to see the volcano yet. We enjoyed a very nice outdoor traditional Costa Rican breakfast of red beans and rice, Chorizo sausage, and loads of tropical fruit.

Next we boarded up in a van for a ride to the Penas Blanca river for a rainforest float trip. But first I will describe the tropical animals we discovered.  

The first animals we saw were long nose bats! Here I am thinking this is the first animal I see sitting on an inflatable boat?? Yet there they were- all looking down at us from the tree. Hopefully my photos will be attached to this post.  

Near the bats were Porcupines! Really, I did not think at first of porcupines as a tropical animal- yet there they were all cute and snuggled up in the roots of s tree at the waters edge. Our guide Javier (Jamaican, grew up speaking English at home in Nicaragua and learned Spanish in school) told us about the crocodiles in the water- thankfully we did not see any!!!

The Howler monkey were in the very tops of the trees- our guided called a threatening call to the monkeys and they howled back their voice was much louder than I thought for a little monkey!!!! 

Green Iguana were up in the tall trees with the monkeys. They were at least 6 feet long because I could see the spikes on their backs from 30 feet below.

We never saw the face but I saw the behind of a white face monkey. The Two Toed sloth looked like a giant long haired fir ball in the tree. Our guide informed us that they are related to anteaters. The Three Toed Sloth, we did not see, is related to an armadillo, not each other. At a resting spot we witnessed a Monkey eating fruit in the Water Apple tree right near us. We also saw wild turkeys at the packing up point.  

The Safari float tour is set on the Penas Blanca River that runs through the Tilaran Mountain range, 30 minutes east of Arenal. This was a a peaceful wildlife experience on an inflatable raft through the rain forest. The rain was continual with breaks for photos. We were on inflatable raft trip that took us along the river where we experienced incredible the sights and sounds of the rain forest. Spotted an array of tropical birds such as kingfishers.  

The Next great adventure! 11/25/2016

Happy Day after Thanksgiving! We really enjoyed our day with our family with and abundance of Ravioli and Turkey! Nothing like having a 3 year old grandson to keep us entertained!!Screen Shot 2016-11-25 at 3.18.44 PM.pngCurrently we are cleaning up the house, doing laundry and dusting off our passports! Tonight our adventure to Costa Rica begins: screen-shot-2016-11-25-at-12-44-38-pmOur Friends Bruce and Sara whom we have traveled with before, have always wanted to go to Costa Rica for the fishing. While Bruce, Sara and Tom really enjoy fishing. I’m more into the scenery. However, when they gut the fish I’ve always been interested in the internal fish anatomy!

So here we go- 14 days of adventure. We are traveling with Costa Rican Vacations who have made the travel and fishing plans. We will be “Ubering” to SFO tonight and will meet Bruce and Sara in Atlanta where we the fly to San Jose Costa Rica. Arriving the afternoon of Nov 26th.  We will be staying at a resort near the town of La Fortuna in the province of Alajuela, near the Arenal Volcano! First adventure will be a Safari Float Tour on the Penas Blanca River that runs through the Tilaran Mountain Range. We will be looking for for tropical animals, birds and maybe even a sloth or two!